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How to integrate 3rd-party smart meter into IAMMETER-cloud

IAMMETER-Cloud's virtual meter provides access services for third-party smart meters.

To connect a third-party smart meter to the IAMMETER-Cloud platform, follow these steps:

  • Apply for a "Virtual Meter"
  • Add the "Virtual Meter" to the system
  • Upload meter data according to IAMMETER-Cloud's API interface

In this article, we will use Postman as an example to demonstrate how to upload meter data to IAMMETER-Cloud.

In addition to the HTTP/HTTPS interface (standard service), IAMMETER-Cloud also supports MQTT (non-standard service, recommended for testing purposes only, we will introduce this in another article later).

Please note that the "Virtual Meter" only supports 3-6 months of free service. For long-term use, please contact the IAMMETER business department to pay for the service.

Apply for a "Virtual Meter"

With an account on IAMMETER

How to Apply for a "Virtual Meter" with an IAMMETER Account

Apply the virtual meter with an IAMMETER account

Without an account on IAMMETER

How to Apply for a "Virtual Meter" without an IAMMETER Account

Select the data source as "PushAPI"

Select the data source as "PushAPI" and click Save.

Select the data source as "PushAPI"

Add the "Virtual Meter" to IAMMETER-Cloud

Log in to your IAMMETER account.

Go to My Place -> New Place.

Create a new location using the "Virtual Meter" SN.

Add virtual meter in IAMMETER

Upload Meter Data by http/https post

Please note: If the upload frequency is too high during continuous use, exceeding 100 HTTP POST operations per hour will result in the account being disabled.

Here’s an example of how to upload data to the Virtual Meter via HTTP/HTTPS using Postman.

Open Postman and configure it as follows:

Upload data to virtual meter of IAMMETER by Postman

Meter Data Parsing

  • Version: Version number (optional)
  • Mac: Terminal MAC address (required)
  • SN: Virtual Meter SN
	"version": "1.1",
	"SN": "59D3E0C2",
	"Datas": [
		[12, 20, 30, 44, 50],
		[10, 20, 30, 45, 50],
		[10, 20, 30, 46, 50]

Datas: Three-phase meter data, explained as follows:

[voltageA, currentA, powerA, import energyA, export energyA], 
[voltageB, currentB, powerB, import energyB, export energyB], 
[voltageC, currentC, powerC, import energyC, export energyC]

For single-phase meters, use Data (three-phase meters use Datas):

	"version": "1.1",
	"SN": "59D3E0C2",
	"Data": [220, 0.1, 20, 0.1, 0.1]

View Uploaded Data from the Virtual Meter

Send data using Postman.


You can now see the data submitted via Postman on IAMMETER-Cloud.




Apply for the Virtual Meter

Uploading Data - IAMMETER

Use Virtual meter in IAMMETER cloud


IAMMETER is a company focused on energy management products and services, offering smart energy meters, management apps, and cloud platforms.

Our goal is to help customers manage, utilize, and save energy effectively, reducing electricity bills through smart monitoring and analysis.



