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APIs of WPC3700

Noun abbreviation WPC: Wi-Fi power controller

API of WPC Series Power Controller

This article mainly introduces the APIs provided by the WPC Series Power Controllers. Through these APIs, users can perform the following operations:

  • Configure WPC parameters
  • Control WPC output power

Who Should Read This Article

This section is placed at the beginning because, although we wrote this article, it is actually not relevant to most WPC users.

If you have obtained a WPC series power controller, there are a few possible modes of operation:

  1. You have already installed IAMMETER meters on the grid side and are directly using the WPC3700 in conjunction with IAMMETER meters (WPC3700 operates in auto mode), allowing the WPC3700 to work continuously under the drive of solar surplus, which is the IAMMETER solution PV Heater Control System.
  2. You don't have an IAMMETER meter, but you are familiar with Home Assistant or Node-RED and have integrated the WPC3700 into the HA or Node-RED automation system (Enable MQTT discovery in Home Assistant with the latest IAMMETER firmware (i.76.058.8)).
  3. You need to call the API to integrate the WPC3700 into your own system.

Only users who require the third mode of operation should read this article.




This API controls the output power of the WPC.

Note: This parameter can also be modified through the setadv API (HTTP POST call, setPower parameter).

Since the setPower parameter may need to be frequently modified based on real-time grid power readings, this additional HTTP GET API interface is provided.

URL and Method

URL: http://{{IP}}/api/setpower

Method: HTTP GET

Parameter Name Example Value Unit Required Type Description
x 100 W Yes int Represents the power output of the WPC. This is the same parameter as setPower in setadv.



This API is used to set the parameters of the WPC.

Note: All parameters can be directly set through the UI. Only a small number of customers who need to integrate WPC series products into their own systems will use this API.

URL and Method

  • URL: http://{{Local IP of the WPC}}/api/setadv
  • Method: HTTP POST

Request Parameters

Below is an example of setadv parameters.

Note: When executing setadv, not all parameters need to be submitted. Only the parameters that need to be modified should be submitted. Parameters that do not need modification do not need to be submitted. You can first use getadv to read the current configuration, then only submit the parameters that need to be modified.

  "maxPower": 3500,
  "setPower": 0,
  "restorePower": 0,
  "setPowerMode": 0,
  "meterAddress": "",
  "threshold": 30,
  "hysteresis": 50,
  "startHour": 8,
  "stopHour": 18,
  "tzOffset": 8,
  "meterType": 0,
  "meterConfig": "3,2,1",
  "ntpServer": "",
  "haDiscovery": 1,
  "mqttEnabled": 1,
  "mqttAddress": "",
  "mqttUsername": "test",
  "mqttPassword": "123456",
  "uploadInterval": 6


  "successful": 1,
  "message": "ok"

Parameter Description

Parameter Name Type Unit Description
maxPower int W The maximum power of the controlled load, must be less than 3700
setPower int W The power output of the WPC
restorePower int W Power after exiting auto mode control
setPowerMode int Operation mode selection: 0: Manual, 1: Auto
threshold int W In auto mode, this is the threshold for adjusting based on grid power
hysteresis int W In auto mode, this is the hysteresis for adjusting based on grid power
startHour int hour Start time of auto mode
stopHour int hour End time of auto mode
tzOffset int Time zone offset
meterType int Meter brand choice for grid measurement in auto mode: 0:iMeter, 1:virtualTCP
meterConfig string Meter model choice for grid measurement in auto mode: 3:three phase, 2:use phaseB, 1:ratio
ntpServer string NTP server address
haDiscovery int Enable Home Assistant MQTT auto discovery: 0: disable, 1: enable
mqttEnabled int Enable MQTT: 0: disable, 1: enable
meterAddress string MQTT broker address, needed when integrating with Home Assistant:
mqttUsername string MQTT username
mqttPassword string MQTT password
uploadInterval int s Upload interval time



This API reads all the parameters of the WPC (all parameters from the setadv API can be read here).

URL and Method

  • URL: http://{{Local IP of the WPC}}/api/getadv
  • Method: HTTP GET


  "maxPower": 3500,
  "setPower": 0,
  "restorePower": 0,
  "setPowerMode": 0,
  "setPowerModeList": "Manual,Auto",
  "meterAddress": "",
  "threshold": 20,
  "hysteresis": 30,
  "startHour": 8,
  "stopHour": 18,
  "tzOffset": 8,
  "meterType": 0,
  "meterConfig": "3,2,1",
  "meterList": "iMeter,virtualTCP",
  "ntpServer": "",
  "haDiscovery": 0,
  "mqttEnabled": 0,
  "mqttAddress": "",
  "mqttUsername": "test",
  "mqttPassword": "123456",
  "uploadInterval": 60

Refer to the description of parameters in setadv.



This API configures the Wi-Fi parameters for WPC/WEM devices.

URL and Method

  • URL: http://{{Local IP of the WPC}}/api/setwifiadv
  • Method: HTTP POST

Request Parameters

    "runMode":"cloud", // cloud, tcp, http
    "uploadAddress":"" // Useful only if runMode is non-cloud


    "successful": true,
    "message": "ok"

Parameter Description

Parameter Name Type Unit Description
ssid string Wi-Fi AP name for the WLAN connection
pwd string Wi-Fi password for the WLAN connection
ip string Static IP; not required if using DHCP mode
netmask string Netmask; not required if using DHCP mode
gw string Gateway; not required if using DHCP mode
dns string DNS server; not required if using DHCP mode
dhcp bool false: disable DHCP, true: enable DHCP

Reference Documentation

The "hidden" features in the firmware of the Wi-Fi energy meter

Advanced function of IAMMETER

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IAMMETER is a company focused on energy management products and services, offering smart energy meters, management apps, and cloud platforms.

Our goal is to help customers manage, utilize, and save energy effectively, reducing electricity bills through smart monitoring and analysis.



